Friday, December 21, 2012

The Lost Family

I have something that has been weighing heavy on my heart! And as one of my New Year's resolutions I've decided to start a movement in Detroit concerning violence and guns! And I pray you will join me! Because gun control is a serious issue and it all starts at home with our children! Ever since the lawmakers gave our children certain rights, The family structure is no more. Our children are being raised with no morals, no discipline and that makes them a casualty to violence and a potential criminal. They walk around without a conscious and was never taught the difference between right and wrong! We need to bring back the values of family and discipline! It has to start in the New Year! We can't afford the lost of another generation! Media is also to blame! Stop letting "Shooter games" baby sit your kids! Stop letting "Gangster rap" influence your kids that they're self worth is based on how much money, jewelry, drugs, and young girls they exploit or bed! Stop letting your daughters dress half naked, exploit themselves on Facebook, web cams, twerk videos, etc! These are future leaders! Let's stop giving the media power over our children by glorifying sex, violence, drugs, etc! Arnold Schwartznegger said it best in The Terminator 2 when asked by the young John Conner "We're not going to make it are we?" And Arnold responded with "No, It's your nature to destroy yourself!" What happened to the young respecting their elders, Family communities, Neighborhood watch? At one time we only had to teach our kids not to talk or accept candy from strangers! Now we have to teach them how to dodge bullets too? If this past week's events didn't wake up the consciousness of America, WHAT WILL? THE SIGNS ARE THERE! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP FOR YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE! PLEASE!!!

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