Friday, December 21, 2012

What's The Norm?

Through the arrogance of man, We're conditioned to believe what is good and what's bad. What's normal and what isn't. Have you ever been in a situation where you were doing right, but a little voice in the back of your head told you it was wrong? The human being is nothing but a flesh computer, processing everything we see, feel, and do. Once again man's standards have us conditioned to see, feel, and do what was taught to us by them. And whose to say they're process is right? Well I'm the first to disagree. When you look at a physically or mentally challenged person, who was the one who taught us to believe they're not "The Norm" and we are? Have you ever noticed that some of history's greatest minds had a mental or physical condition? Why is it man's nature to take something they don't understand and try to control it? It's just like a lion in the wild. It's man's nature to subdue, capture, and forcefully confine them to a cage. It's just like the Iraq situation. How arrogant is man to invade and force American beliefs in a society that is totally foreign? The solution is to get with the natives and build a government catered to their needs. But unfortunately, This didn't go well with the natives of our land! Forced out, slaughtered by you know who. And now that same kind of barbaric diplomacy is being exercised today in a foreign land. This has been the worse casualty rate since Vietnam. Let me divert your attention to one of my favorite genres of film, Sci-Fi. Whether how far fetched it maybe to many, But I believe there is some truths to this form of entertainment. For example, The Matrix. Agent Smith opened my eyes more to the possibility that is hard for a lot to swallow and it coincides with "The Human Condition" issue. He said "Man is like a disease. You move from one area to another infecting it with your filth. There's another organism that has the same trait,  it's called a plague" or something like that. When I heard this I took a step back and said to myself. Is that all we're good for? And I recall a line from Terminator 2. When the young John Connor when he was observing two young boys playing with their toy guns. He said to Arnold. "We're not going to make it are we?" Arnold immediately said "No, It's in your nature to destroy yourself!" or something along those lines. Back to The Matrix, The Oracle said to Neo "What does men with power want? More power!" My quote after summing it all up is "What do the men want that created the Atom bomb want? To create a better bomb!" Look at today's technology and I don't care how much the powers that be deny it. I do believe our leap into the digital age was handed to us way too early, so mankind can do just that, destroy ourselves. It's like giving a toddler a gun, taking off the safety, and walking away. Like an irresponsible child, It's apparent man or never will be because of our destructive nature. Something has to change and soon or we're certain to perish! I like to believe we were put here to be more. There are good people in the world, But we have idiots and lunatics in government I refer to them as "The Schoolyard  Bully!" It pisses me off because if nothing is done to change the course of "The Human Condition" We're all doomed to pay the price for another man's arrogance. These are conditions forced on us by "The Schoolyard Bully!" The people have a voice! If the governed body was to stand up and speak as a united front? What power will they have? What's your view?

The Lost Family

I have something that has been weighing heavy on my heart! And as one of my New Year's resolutions I've decided to start a movement in Detroit concerning violence and guns! And I pray you will join me! Because gun control is a serious issue and it all starts at home with our children! Ever since the lawmakers gave our children certain rights, The family structure is no more. Our children are being raised with no morals, no discipline and that makes them a casualty to violence and a potential criminal. They walk around without a conscious and was never taught the difference between right and wrong! We need to bring back the values of family and discipline! It has to start in the New Year! We can't afford the lost of another generation! Media is also to blame! Stop letting "Shooter games" baby sit your kids! Stop letting "Gangster rap" influence your kids that they're self worth is based on how much money, jewelry, drugs, and young girls they exploit or bed! Stop letting your daughters dress half naked, exploit themselves on Facebook, web cams, twerk videos, etc! These are future leaders! Let's stop giving the media power over our children by glorifying sex, violence, drugs, etc! Arnold Schwartznegger said it best in The Terminator 2 when asked by the young John Conner "We're not going to make it are we?" And Arnold responded with "No, It's your nature to destroy yourself!" What happened to the young respecting their elders, Family communities, Neighborhood watch? At one time we only had to teach our kids not to talk or accept candy from strangers! Now we have to teach them how to dodge bullets too? If this past week's events didn't wake up the consciousness of America, WHAT WILL? THE SIGNS ARE THERE! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP FOR YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE! PLEASE!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Universe Is Infinite

Allow me to explain why my blog is called "The Universe Is Infinite". This is not a blog examining the universe or astrology. But exploration of the inner mind and "The Human Condition". People are trapped into the cliche' belief the sky is the limit. Through my life experiences, I was taught from my parents and grandmother to think big and dream bigger. You can do anything and be what you want as long as you don't limit yourself. Society has conditioned us to believe there are limits and we can only go so far. My philosophy is "The Sky Isn't The Limit, Because The Universe Is Infinite!" In life there are two types of people, Leaders and Followers! For a long time I thought something was wrong with me because I would eventually have problems conforming to what society calls "The Norm" or a regular 9-5. Was it because I was  unruly? Or was to good for a job? No. Because since childhood, I already knew I was destined for something greater. All my years of attending school, I was known as the odd ball, the outcast because I believed the in-crowd was a bunch of losers and followers with not enough brain capacity to think for themselves. Being in the in-crowd was just like a gang! People who based their entire existence on worth and not self worth if that makes any sense. I was mentally advanced and my way of thinking was beyond students my age. It was a curse because it didn't allow me to fit in. But now I'm thankful I wasn't with the in-crowd! And it took me forever to accept me. Instead of embracing my differences, I spent years searching for a fix that for something that wasn't broken to begin with. And why did I feel this way? Because I was told by so many people I was weird, crazy, and I would never amount to anything! But now I realize it was to beat me down just to make them feel big about themselves. And that's why I know "The Human Condition" is in danger because we're walking around with blinders on! And there are limits set into place to keep us from discovering our true potential. Ignorance is bliss, That's what society tells us. But knowing who you are is bliss! And once you open your eyes to the possibilities, You're one step closer to self discovery! Don't accept the limits society has put on you. It's time to free yourself from the mental prison that was made for you to fail! Have you ever felt like what you do on a day to day basis doesn't make you happy? Me too. Because more than likely it's not where you should be! It's time to find your happiness. Who says you have to settle for less? Remember, The Sky Isn't The Limit, Because The Universe Is Infinite!" Think about it!